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Carina D1 for Vision Pro





Carina D1 for Quest 3

Carina D1 for Quest 3_how to video

VR is already connected to Prismpluse, but it cannot find the computer or start streaming.

1. If VD and ALVR works fine but airlink fail to find PC,ensure all configure is OK but still not found PC. the root cause maybe "network discovery" has been disabled on PC. Follow below steps to open it:

  • Win +R run services.msc
    • Find and start three services and set to auto start: SSDP Discovery 、UPnP Device Host 、DNS Client
    • Open PC 's Control Panel,found “Network Sharing Center” , then "Enable network discovery"
    • Try airlink again
  1. changing the network connection from public to private (on Windows 11, it's located on "Network & internet Ethernet Network profile type Private".)
  1. Please note, some antivirus software might take over and control this property on the top of windows settings. If you are running antivirus software, please go to its settings and trust the newly added network.
  1. Turn off Firewalls or antivirus Software
  2. On window 10 Control Panel > System and Security > Window Defender Firewall then click on Advanced settings the click on Inbound Rules - scroll down OVRserver_x64.exe Private there should be 2 of them - on both select one at time then right click then select Properties and check Allow the connection then click ok for both